The Sun cannot bear to look.
This is a short game that can be found Here, "This game is about a dying god who spends the last of their days, isolated, with the one who killed them." I did it as a solo journal game, but it can be played a few ways. I've decided to type up my journal entry for the full game here. If you like it/think it is interesting, give the game a try!
(this is not the full text of the game; all the instructions are missing. Please actually download the full game)
There are 3 days left until the solar eclipse.
After the god dies, you know you will receive a new name from the Sun. What is it, and why does it reduce you to tears?
My new name means "to answer" in whatever language we speak. I am the answer to the question, "Can we forgive those who wrong us?
When you killed the god, you used a weapon. It has been blessed with the ability to talk. It is your only companion until the eclipse. Are its words to you kind?
It does not speak to me at all, except at the very beginning to make its disgust of me known. I could have done a better job, its says. I could still do a better job.
Whenever the moon rises, she massages your guilt so you might admit it and seek punishment. What nightmares or visions have plagued you at night?
Images of my happiest memories, of childhood, of how happy I used to be.
You committed a mistake by killing. Now you are scarred. Now you are branded. Who are you afraid will renounce you and who are you afraid will hunt you down?
I am afraid my family would renounce me, disowning me forever. I fear they would also hunt me down for staining their blood.
If the god forgives you before they die, then the Sun must let you go. The World will call you a name that carves you open. Your past will become too heavy for you to bear, yet you will bear it. Do you seek forgiveness?
I don't need to. I am already forgiven.
a god.
They are beloved by the sun. They are the perfect god. What story of theirs impressed the Sun and was it ever truly real?
The story of how they used the Sun's rays to shape people The rays of the sun enclosed in sand and clay became their souls. Of course its real.
They know best of all, how fearsome the furious Sun is. What happened a long time ago that made them vow to never watch idly while the sun rages?
{I still don't have an answer for this one yet}
Answer just this: the beloved god is dying, the World is red with pain and fever-but it will pass. What one thing never goes back to normal after they die?
Joy hits harder, feels different. Despair cuts deeper, and feels different. Like the emotional stability of everyone got just a little skewed.
How many cycles of the moon has it been since they started dying? Do they look at the night-less world with love or shame?
Five. They are ashamed of being the cause of such a disruption, even though it is not their fault.
Did they know such a day would come?
The wondered about it, in the darkest nights when doubt crept in. But in the light, in company, they thought it would be exactly forever.'
The world will remember them gently. Unless... What broken promises and ugly lies do they admit for the wind to carry?
They broke a promise of protection to a lover. When it came down to it, they turned away, not willing to get themself in trouble.
Dagger. They showed mercy.
Day one:
Nightmare: You see the face of the sun. It is a mirror image of your own face.
I am awoken by the image of my own face melting off, but there is no skull under it; it is a burning ball of light.
Sun god's attack: It sends a rampaging solar beast.
The god is able to waylay the beast long enough for me to form a counterattack, but I am injured in the fight.
Conversation: Talk about the Sun.
The god used to love the sun, one of a long list of lovers, promises broken. The Sun, of course, has forgiven them and loves them still. But the god themself can only look on that time with regret.
Question: Why does the sun love you?
Because I (the god) was able to create life from what had previously only brought ruin. I gave them life.
Day two:
Nightmare: You are the dying god now. The shame is immense.
I am awoken by an overwhelming sense of finality.
Sun god's attack: It evaporates your water.
The god provides their own holy water to drink from. I am revitalized and feel even more guilty.
Conversation: Talk about mortal form.
When the god crafted life from the Sun's rays, the did not realize how fragile the bodies would be. Part of the reason they no longer left the heavens is because they accidentally broke a few people, not understanding their own godly strength.
Question: Why did you trust me?
They trusted me because they refuse to see the bad in anyone. They want to believe that their creation is good; they don't want it to hurt.
Day Three:
Nightmare: A mortal you love kills you.
I am awoken by the feeling of my mother sticking my own dagger between my ribs.
The Sun's attack: It tells you your new name. When you hear it, you fall unconscious and roll for two nightmares.
Dream one: You fail to kill them. They kill you instead. It is so easy for them.
The dream starts the same way reality did, but I wait too long to stab them. As the dream version of the god is about to kill me, the real dying god intercedes, becoming that god and lowering the knife. They place their hand on my body in the place I stabbed them, and kiss me. The dream changes.
Dream two: Your home finds out what you did and renounces you.
The dream starts, I have returned to my home, tired and depressed. My family has learned what I have done, and they do not even let me in the house. I am screamed at, have things thrown at me, before an apparition of the god appears before me, saying I don't' need my family if I have them. They take my hand. I wake up.
No conversation.
Question: Why do you still love me?
Because it feels like they must, like they have no choice. Because they like the way love feels in their body. They want to feel love when they die.
The dying god breathes their last breath. What do they say to the Moon? "Thank you for the dreams." What do they say to the Sun? "I'm sorry. For all of it." And what is solely for your ears only? "I'm glad you were with me."
After standing to face me, they collapse. I catch them. They smile at me, and the part of me that still believed in any kind of love dies with them.
"Your name is Answer."
I have been forgiven by the god, and I will continue on.
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