Monday, March 3, 2025


 Back at it again with the journaling games! This one is Anamnesis, which can be found Here. Once again, the instructions are missing, you need to actually get the game. I used Yoshi Yoshitani's Tarot of the Divine as my deck.

"You play as an individual who has woken up with memory loss. You do not remember who you are, where you are, or what you care about. As you draw tarot cards, you fill the blank spaces of your past and learn more about your present." 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Sun cannot bear to look.

The Sun cannot bear to look.

This is a short game that can be found Here, "This game is about a dying god who spends the last of their days, isolated, with the one who killed them." I did it as a solo journal game, but it can be played a few ways. I've decided to type up my journal entry for the full game here. If you like it/think it is interesting, give the game a try!
(this is not the full text of the game; all the instructions are missing. Please actually download the full game)

Sunday, July 16, 2023

teenagers make themselves gods

 So I wrote this poem in high school. Started it when I was sixteen, finished it sometime when I was eighteen. It's not like, mind blowing, but I still think they're something to it; I recently was going through old documents and found it. So I am going to post it here. I am hoping the formatting will resolve itself once this publishes.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Some DND gods

Haven't updated this in quite a while. Been busy w school. But I had the opportunity to start a DND campaign with some of my best friends, and I really like the way the gods turned out.
"But doesn't DND come with gods?" Yeah, but there's no detailed description. I like details.
Dol Arrah is an actual DND god, and that quote is the tiny description given. All gods are called 'gods' regardless of gender.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

A Weakness


A scene written for my playwriting class. I may explore this more, whether in prose or script form I am not sure. Unfortunately I cannot get the formatting to look exactly like a script.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Audio Storytelling

This is a project I did for my sound design class. An assignment to tell a story just through sound effects. I invite you to come up with your own interpretation of what is happening. Make sure your volume is not too loud.

The story I came up with is a person being haunted, chased through the woods and into a neighboorhood, before the supernatural being hunting them shoots them. Why does a superantural being need a gun? Idk, work with me here.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Radio Show

A horror/sci-fi radio show I wrote for my design class. The voices can sound however you want them to. For someone who talks about how much they love fantasy, I sure write a lot of sci-fi.